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	Friends, we're making the news!<br /><br />
	One of the largest newspapers in Iowa just published an article about our campaign. Read below for an excerpt:</p>
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						&ldquo;The results of the Iowa caucus are important not just for who wins but for who does better than people expect, because that sends a message,&rdquo; Delaney said. &ldquo;At the end of this day, this isn&rsquo;t about me. If I do better in Iowa than expected, these ideas get life too.&rdquo;<br /><br />
						&ldquo;These ideas&rdquo; include several Delaney has stumped on since announcing his campaign, in mid-2017: universal health care, although not Medicare-for-all; free trade, including support for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) deal; a carbon tax; doubling the Earned Income Tax Credit nationally; an anti-isolationist foreign policy; and the idea that &ldquo;innovation creates more jobs than it displaces.&rdquo;<br /><br />
						&ldquo;Everyone who says the world doesn&rsquo;t get better every year isn&rsquo;t looking at the facts,&rdquo; Delaney said, citing the worldwide reduction in poverty. &ldquo;The facts favor the optimists.&rdquo;<br /><br />
						And yet Delaney isn&rsquo;t quiet about the &ldquo;crisis&rdquo; he sees in small towns across Iowa, where his campaign is devoting its energy in the final weeks before the caucuses. &ldquo;There&rsquo;s legitimately a lot of anger out there,&rdquo; Delaney said, &ldquo;and I think the anger is based on a reality: the federal government hasn&rsquo;t solved a lot of these problems, and it should have a long time ago.&rdquo;<br /><br />
						Delaney occupies a spot in the Democratic Party&rsquo;s centrist wing. On Monday he took shots at some of the left-leaning candidates, particularly Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren. He also panned some of the bolder policy proposals receiving national attention.<br /><br />
						The universal basic income, a hallmark of entrepreneur Andrew Yang&rsquo;s campaign, is &ldquo;the worst piece of legislation being talked about in this election,&rdquo; said Delaney, who favors &ldquo;more progressive&rdquo; safety net policies that differentiate between citizens in-need and citizens with means.<br /><br />
						The first candidate to have visited all 99 Iowa counties, Delaney also distinguished himself from the two left-leaning senators from New England.<br /><br />
						&ldquo;The Republican Party wants to put up physical walls to keep immigrants out,&rdquo; Delaney said. &ldquo;If you listen to Sanders and Warren and some of these other folks, they want to put up economic walls. There&rsquo;s no difference, really, at the end of the idea.&rdquo;<br /><br />
						&ldquo;I believe this notion that the private sector, the government sector and the nonprofit sector working well together is the best way we solve problems,&rdquo; he added. &ldquo;This notion of vilifying different things is crazy. That&rsquo;s not how you make progress.&rdquo;<br /><br />
						Delaney also defended his centrism as both a pragmatic and political strategy. The 2020 election, he said, will generate enthusiastic turnout among both Democrats and Republicans. As a result, the Democrats should court centrist and independent voters who will decide the race, he said.<br /><br />
						&ldquo;Should we be upset that the person who&rsquo;s leading the Iowa caucus right now is a socialist? Yeah, I think that&rsquo;s a huge problem,&rdquo; Delaney said. &ldquo;I think socialism is a terrible idea. That&rsquo;s not who we are as a country.<br /><br />
						&ldquo;The genius of the United States of America is that we let the free market work its magic,&rdquo; he added. &ldquo;But what we did historically is moderated it with strong programs, like good public schools and infrastructure, with worker&rsquo;s rights and with laws that protect consumers.&rdquo;<br /><br />
						On Sunday afternoon Delaney spoke at the People's Caucus presidential forum, a three-hour event at Davenport North High School sponsored by a coalition of Midwestern social justice groups. Delaney was received warmly by the 500-person crowd.<br /><br />
						"All this amazing stuff&mdash;technology and innovation and such&mdash;is actually enormously positive," Delaney told the Times editorial board. "We shouldn't villainize it. We actually have to embrace it and make sure we bend it to benefit more Americans."</p>
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	<strong><a  href=""  style="color: #135474"  title="" >Chip in $15 or more today to stand with John and this campaign:</a></strong></p>
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