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<p>We ALL deserve a government that is truly of, by and for <strong>the people.</strong></p>

<p>While many candidates and leaders pay lip service to this founding principle, <strong>I am the only candidate on that stage tonight whose actions match their words.</strong></p>

<p>My commitment to you is that I will continue to stand up — against the establishment, the media elite, the powerful Bush-Clinton war doctrine — for what is right no matter the political consequence. I will continue to speak up for EVERY single American in this country, and I will continue to talk about the unifying leadership I will bring as President. I am on that stage asking for the opportunity to serve every person in this country, not just the viewers of MSNBC, CNN or&nbsp;ABC. <strong>I’m on tonight's stage for you.</strong></p>

<p><a  href="" ><strong>Will you stand with me, friend? I’m not afraid to keep lifting our voices in speaking truth to power, I will not cower in the face of smears, and I want you to stand with me. Can you give $19 — or whatever you’re able to afford — before I take the stage?</strong></a></p>
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<p>When I visited <em>The View</em> earlier this month, I was criticized for daring to speak with hosts from networks that are not approved by the Democratic establishment. Meghan McCain, who I have firmly disagreed with on many things including foreign policy and our role in Syria, came to my defense saying, “I think the reason so many Republicans respond to you is because you don’t treat us like we’re garbage… you actually care about reaching out.”</p>

<p>She’s right, I do. <strong>I care because our president is not just the president of people who agree with them.</strong> My brothers and sisters in arms put on the uniform and deploy to fight for our freedoms regardless of what party is in power. We do it because we’re patriots.</p>

<p>Our people are not as divided or partisan as our corporate media would have us believe. And I am here to speak with — and serve — every person in our great nation, to take democracy back from those to try to silence our voices.</p>

<p>Thank you for helping me do that.</p>



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