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    <span style="font-size: 1px; display: none;">I'm ready to continue building on our tremendous progress as the DNC's newly appointed executive director.</span>
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    <p style="font-size:18px;margin-bottom:8px;">When I started at the DNC in 2017, our party was in bad shape. But under the leadership of DNC Chair Tom Perez, Democrats secured seven governorships, took back the House, flipped the Senate, and won back the White House. The secret to our success?<em> Early, steady, and strategic investment in our party's infrastructure by generous grassroots donors</em>. I got my start in politics as an organizer, and the infrastructure we build makes the difference from the grassroots to the White House. That's a lesson I'll take with me as I step into my new role as the DNC's executive director.

    <p style="font-size:18px;margin-bottom:8px;">We cannot rest a minute if we want to ensure Democratic success in 2021, 2022, and beyond. Democrats running for office nationwide are counting on folks like you to invest in the early organizing, data and tech, voter protection, and more they'll need to win in years to come. That's why I'm coming to you today, just three days before our party's first FEC deadline of the year.

    <p style="font-size:18px;margin-bottom:8px;"><strong><span style="font-size:21px;">Folks tell me that if just 17 more supporters from your town donate right now, we'll be on track to hit our fundraising goal and start this year off strong. So please, make a $7 donation to the DNC before Sunday at midnight. </span></strong>



Last updated: 9/15/2020 -->
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                            DONATE: $7

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<p style="font-size:18px">

<div style="font-size:18px;">
    <p style="font-size:18px;margin-bottom:8px;">While we elected President Biden and Vice President Harris last year, we still have work to do to protect our majorities in Congress, and there's even more we can and must do to elect Democrats and build our party at the state and local levels. That's why I'm so excited to serve as the DNC's executive director.

    <p style="font-size:18px;margin-bottom:8px;">The work we put into rebuilding our party is important, not just for winning elections but for improving people's lives. President Biden and DNC Chair Jaime Harrison are committed to building a top-notch political infrastructure in every ZIP code. But that is only possible if folks like you invest early in Democratic success.

    <p style="font-size:18px;margin-bottom:8px;"><a
  href="" ><span style="font-size:21px;"><strong>Can I count on you to be one of the 17 more supporters we need to donate $7 before Sunday's deadline? Whatever you're able to give will go a long way in the fights ahead.</strong></span></a>

    <p style="font-size:18px;margin-bottom:8px;">Our party is strong. Our cause is righteous. Our team is ready.

    <p style="font-size:18px;margin-bottom:8px;">Thank you for being a part of it. 

    <p style="font-size:18px;margin-bottom:8px;">Sam

    <p style="font-size:18px;margin-bottom:8px;">Sam Cornale<br>
Executive Director<br>
Democratic National Committee

    <p style="font-size:18px;margin-bottom:8px;">P.S. As Tom Perez once said, "We inherited a Radio Shack and turned it into a Fifth Avenue Apple store." I'm proud of the work we've done to transform the DNC over the past four years, but we're not done yet. <a
  href="" ><span style="font-size:21px;"><strong>If you're able, I hope you'll make a $7 donation to the DNC before Sunday's FEC deadline to help Democrats win in 2021, 2022, and beyond.</strong></span></a>



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        If you're ready to elect Democrats in all 50 states, <a
  href="" ><strong>make a contribution today</strong></a>.<br>

        Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible. Paid for by the Democratic National Committee, <a
  href="" >www.Democrats.org</a>, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.


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