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A little while ago, I heard about a man in New Hampshire who'd just lost his job but still donated $2 to our campaign.<br /><br />

I don't take that lightly and I don't want anyone to make a donation that doesn't fit in their budget. So I want you to know that every single contribution means a great deal to me and, more importantly, to our movement. I owe something to you and every grassroots donor: a promise that I'll fight just as hard as you do.<br /><br />

That man knew that his $2 donation would matter, and it does. He knew that his contribution would help level the playing field for families across the country, and it will.<br /><br />

He knew that he was joining the fight alongside millions of people he'd never meet, because we pick up each other's fights as our own.<br /><br />

I'm grateful down to my toes that he's in this fight &mdash; and that you're in this fight, too. It means the world to me, and every single donation brings us closer to big, structural change.<br /><br /><strong>When I'm president, we'll have a government that listens to &mdash; and works for &mdash; people who reach deep into their pockets to chip in $2 at a time, not just those who can donate $2,000 without blinking an eye.</strong><br /><br /><strong><a  href=""   title="" ><span style="font-size:19px">We're going to do this &mdash; together. If it makes sense for you to make a contribution right now, will you help keep up the fight by chipping in $2 before our fundraising deadline on Friday?</span></a></strong><br />

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The way I see it, getting involved in a political campaign is an act of optimism.<br /><br />

Joining the fight means that we can make things better than they are now. That we all have a role to play, whether it's chipping in a few bucks or knocking on doors for a few hours (or both!).<br /><br />

It's about hope &mdash; hope for the America that we can build together, $2 at a time.<br /><br />

An America where Washington is focused like a laser on creating good-paying jobs for hard-working Americans, not padding the profits of giant multinational corporations.<br /><br />

Where people get the care they need if they get sick, and no one goes broke because of medical bills.<br /><br />

Where people can decide to have more kids without worrying that the cost of child care will crush them.<br /><br />

Where anyone who wants to follow their dream and hit the books can get a degree from a technical school, community college, or public university at no cost.<br /><br /><strong>2020 is our moment to dream big, fight hard, and win. Starting in 2021, we'll have a government that works for everyone, not just the rich and powerful.</strong><br /><br /><strong><a  href=""   title="" ><span style="font-size:19px">If that's the future you want to build, make a contribution before our Friday fundraising deadline, and let's keep fighting side by side to make the big, structural change we need.</span></a></strong><br /><br />

Thanks for being a part of this,<br /><br />

Elizabeth<br /><br /></p><center>
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