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</head><body style="padding:0"><span style="display:none !important; visibility:hidden; mso-hide:all; font-size:1px; color:#ffffff; line-height:1px; max-height:0px; max-width:0px; opacity:0; overflow:hidden;">We need to raise $100 million more online before October 31 -- our final end-of-month deadline.</span>
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<!--HEADER END --><p>
	Last night, Joe Biden faced off against Donald Trump on the debate stage for the final time. And after the debate, we called our grassroots donors to action: We need to raise $100 million more online before October 31 -- our final end-of-month deadline.<br><br><strong>We saw incredible momentum last night, but with this ambitious new goal, we need to keep that up. We need an overwhelming surge of donations from every state today to keep us on track if we&rsquo;re going to hit this goal. </strong><br><br><strong><a target="_blank" class="txt-color"  href=""  style="color:#233F94; text-decoration: underline; font-weight: bold; font-size: 21px;"  title="" >After last night, our data team calculated that we&rsquo;ll likely need $1,280,438 more from Utah between now and the deadline, so we&rsquo;re coming to you. No donation is too small to help us get where we need to be ($25 is your suggested amount) &raquo;</a></strong></p>
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										<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" height="40" width="140"><tbody><tr><td align="center" bgcolor="#233f94" height="40" style=" -webkit-border-radius:5px; border-radius:5px; border:0px solid null; border-bottom:4px solid #141455; min-width:140px; max-width:140px;" width="140">
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	From the outset of this election, Donald Trump has only focused on tearing down Joe&rsquo;s candidacy. He knew Joe was his biggest threat in a general election, and because of committed grassroots supporters like you, we made his worst nightmare come true.<br><br>
	Trump has done nothing but spread a message of hate to distract from his failed record -- and we saw that again last night on the debate stage.<br><br><strong>But Joe stood strong and defended our values.</strong><br><br>
	Now, you&rsquo;ve been by our side every step of the way. And we need to send a clear message today that our grassroots supporters are continuing to fight hard in this battle for the soul of our nation, right alongside Joe.<br><br><strong><a target="_blank" class="txt-color"  href=""  style="color:#233F94; text-decoration: underline; font-weight: bold; font-size: 21px;"  title="" >So please, if you&rsquo;re ready to win in just 11 days, will you show that you have Joe&rsquo;s back after last night&rsquo;s debate? Chip in whatever you can to make sure enough donations come in today that we can stay on track to hit our final end-of-month goal:</a></strong></p>
	<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td align="center" style="font-size: 15px; font-style: italic; padding-bottom: 12px">
					If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:</td>
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						<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="max-width: 100%" width="100"><tbody><tr><td align="center" style="padding:5px">
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										<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" height="40" width="140"><tbody><tr><td align="center" bgcolor="#233f94" height="40" style=" -webkit-border-radius:5px; border-radius:5px; border:0px solid null; border-bottom:4px solid #141455; min-width:140px; max-width:140px;" width="140">
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									<td align="center" style="padding:5px">
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										<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" height="40" width="140"><tbody><tr><td align="center" bgcolor="#233f94" height="40" style=" -webkit-border-radius:5px; border-radius:5px; border:0px solid null; border-bottom:4px solid #141455; min-width:140px; max-width:140px;" width="140">
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												</tr></tbody></table><!-- END BUTTON --></td>
	Thanks for all that you do,<br><br>
	Team Joe</p><!--FOOTER -->

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  </tr><tr><td align="center" bgcolor="#ffffff" style="padding: 20px 5% 70px 5%; border-top: solid 2px #e4e9ee">
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      <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%" style="max-width: 600px;"><tbody><!-- START ADDRESS --><tr><td align="center" valign="middle" style="font-size: 14px; line-height: 18px; color:#000000;  padding-top: 15px; padding-bottom: 25px; font-family: Helvetica,Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;">
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</tr></tbody></table><br><span style="font-family: Helvetica,arial, sans-serif;">
Has the pandemic affected you personally, or do you just want to take a break from emails for a couple weeks? We understand. <a target="_blank"  href=""  style="color: #233F94; text-decoration: underline"  title="" ><b>Click here to pause emails from the campaign for a two week period.</b></a><br><br><span style="font-family: Helvetica,arial, sans-serif;">Any donor history information in this email reflects what we have on file for this specific email address. If you have donated with a different email, with a check, or with a spouse -- thank you so much! We have that on file and cannot thank you enough for supporting this campaign. </span> <br><br><span style="font-family: Helvetica,arial, sans-serif;"> This email was sent to previews@email.com. If we got your name or any information wrong -- we're so sorry! To update and correct your information <a target="_blank" style="color: #233f94; text-decoration: underline;"  href=""  target="_blank"  title="" >click here</a>. If you would like to receive fewer emails, <a target="_blank" style="color: #233f94; text-decoration: underline;"  href=""   title="" >click here</a>. If you would like to unsubscribe, <a target="_blank" style="color: #233f94; text-decoration: underline;"  href=""  target="_blank"  title="" >click here</a>. </span> <br><br><span style="font-family: Helvetica,arial, sans-serif;"> Friend, thank you so much for supporting Joe Biden and Kamala Harris&rsquo;s Presidential campaign. </span> <br><br><span style="font-family: Helvetica,arial, sans-serif;"> <a target="_blank"  href=""   title="" > <img style="max-width: 100%;" src="https://go.joebiden.com/page/-/HiODU2V4.jpeg" alt="Change occurs because the conscience of a country begins to rise up and demand &mdash; demand change." width="350px"></a> </span> <br><br><span style="font-family: Helvetica,arial, sans-serif;"> This isn&rsquo;t the time to be complacent. If you are ready to fight for the soul of this nation, you can start by donating to elect Joe Biden by clicking the button below. </span> <br><br><!-- FUNDRAISING BUTTON START --><center>
<table class="responsive-table" style="max-width: 100%;" border="0" width="600" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center"><tbody><tr><td class="responsive-table" style="padding: 5px;" align="center"><!-- START  BUTTON -->
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</tr></tbody></table><!-- END BUTTON --></td>
</tr></tbody></table></center><!--  FUNDRAISING BUTTON GROUP END --> <br><span style="font-family: Helvetica,arial, sans-serif;"> We know we send a lot of emails, and we are sorry about that. The reason? We are relying on grassroots supporters like you (we&rsquo;re serious!). </span> <br><br><span style="font-family: Helvetica,arial, sans-serif;"> But look, we don&rsquo;t want to bother you. If you&rsquo;d like to only receive our most important emails, <a target="_blank" style="color: #233f94; text-decoration: underline;"  href=""   title="" >click here</a>. If you'd only like to receive volunteer emails, <a target="_blank" style="color: #233f94; text-decoration: underline;"  href=""   title="" >click here.</a> If you&rsquo;d like to unsubscribe from our emails, you can <a target="_blank" style="color: #233f94; text-decoration: underline;"  href=""  target="_blank"  title="" >click here</a>. </span> <br><br><span style="font-family: Helvetica,arial, sans-serif;">To make a contribution by mail, <a target="_blank"  href=""  style="color: #233F94"  title="" >click here</a> for instructions.</span>
<br><br><span style="font-family: Helvetica,arial, sans-serif;"> We sincerely thank you for your help and support. </span> <br><span style="font-family: Helvetica,arial, sans-serif;"> - The entire Joe Biden for President team</span></span></div>
        </tr><!--  END ADDRESS --><!--  START PAID FOR --><tr><td align="center">
            <div style="font-family: Helvetica,Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; border-color: #000000; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; padding: 7px; width:90%; max-width:600px; font-size: 14px; line-height: 18px; color:#000000; font-family: helvetica, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;">
              <span style="font-family: Helvetica,arial, sans-serif;">Paid for by Biden for President</span>
        </tr><!-- END PAID FOR --><!-- START BOTTOM TEXT --><tr><td align="center" style="font-size: 14px; line-height: 18px; color:#000000; padding-top: 25px; font-family: helvetica, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;">   
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