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    <span style="font-size: 1px; display: none;">I'm so excited about tomorrow's chat -- but according to my friends at the DNC, you have yet to RSVP.</span>
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<div style="font-size:18px;"> 
    <p style="font-size:18px;margin-bottom:8px;">Hey there!

    <p style="font-size:18px">I'm getting ready for my event tomorrow -- but according to folks at DNC HQ, you have yet to reserve your spot.<strong><span style="font-size:21px;"> Take a minute to RSVP now and join me tomorrow at 5 p.m. ET for this exciting virtual event:</span></strong>


    <div align="middle">
<a target="_blank" style="font-size: 20px;"></a><a target="_blank" style="text-decoration: none"
  href="" ><span style="font-size: 18px; display: block; max-height: 92px; max-width: 226px; padding: 16px 30px 16px 30px; background-color: #f15336; color: #fff;"><strong>RSVP TODAY</strong></span></a>


    <p style="font-size:18px">See you soon!<br>


    <p style="font-size:18px">Doug

    <p style="font-size:18px"><span></span>-----Forwarded message-----


    <p style="font-size:18px">Sender: Doug Emhoff
Date: Thu, October 21, 2021
Subject: Will you take a minute to RSVP and join me at Monday's event?

    <div style="font-size:18px;">
        <p style="font-size:18px"><strong>I am so excited to announce that I'll be joining this team and the DNC at a virtual grassroots event on Monday, October 25 at 5 p.m. ET! <span style="font-size:21px;"><a
  href="" ><u>I hope you'll join me for this special event to celebrate the progress we've made so far and to discuss what's up next on the docket!</u></a><br>

        <div style="font-size:18px;"> 
            <p style="font-size:18px;margin-bottom:8px;">Joe, Kamala, and Democrats in Congress have been able to deliver for families everywhere because of the dedicated support and hard work of folks like you. Together, we're making tremendous progress for our country, and that's why it would mean so much to me if you joined me for Monday's event.<br>


            <p style="font-size:18px;margin-bottom:8px;"><strong><span style="font-size:21px;"><strong>Will you take a minute to RSVP now and join me on Monday? We have so much to discuss -- about where we've been and where we're going.</strong><br>



        <div align="middle">
<a target="_blank" style="font-size: 20px;"></a><a target="_blank" style="text-decoration: none"
  href="" ><span style="font-size: 18px; display: block; max-height: 92px; max-width: 226px; padding: 16px 30px 16px 30px; background-color: #f15336; color: #fff;"><strong>RSVP TODAY</strong></span></a>


        <div style="font-size:18px;">
            <p style="font-size:18px;margin-bottom:8px;">There is no such thing as an off year, especially when we have a crucial Democratic majority to protect. We're not slowing down now -- we're just getting started, and I can't wait to talk to you about it.<br>


            <p style="font-size:18px;margin-bottom:8px;"><strong><span style="font-size:21px;"><strong><a
  href="" ><u>Please make sure to RSVP today for the DNC's virtual event at 5 p.m. ET on Monday, October 25.</u></a></strong><br>

            <p style="font-size:18px;margin-bottom:8px;">Thank you,

            <p style="font-size:18px;margin-bottom:8px;">Doug

            <p style="font-size:18px;margin-bottom:8px;">Doug Emhoff


  href="" ><img
 src="https://can2-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/data/000/579/906/original/20210916_DE.jpeg" width="200" style="width: 100%; max-width: 200px;" alt="Doug Emhoff"></a>
            <p style="font-size:18px;margin-bottom:8px;"><br>



            <div style="font-size: 10px">
<em>Douglas Emhoff: Derivative of Adam Schultz / Biden for President Photo. CC BY-NC-SA 2.0</em>





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        Manage how often you receive DNC emails, <a
  href="" ><strong>by filling out this form</strong></a>. If you no longer wish to receive emails from the DNC, <strong><strong><a
  href="" >submit this form to unsubscribe</a>.</strong></strong><br>

       If you're ready to elect Democrats in all 50 states, territories, and D.C., <a
  href="" ><strong>make a contribution today</strong></a>.<br>

        Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible. Paid for by the Democratic National Committee, <strong><a
  href="" >www.Democrats.org</a></strong>, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.


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