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In just 8 days, Nevada will hold its caucuses for the 2020 Democratic nomination. In 16 days, South Carolina will hold its primary. And just 3 days after that, twelve states around the country will be voting on Super Tuesday.<br /><br />

Every dollar that we raise in the next 8 days goes right back out into critical advertising and organizing efforts in the Super Tuesday states, and building out more infrastructure for the long haul.<br /><br /><strong>That's why it's so important that we reach our goal of $7 million by the Nevada caucus. Anything you contribute would have a real, tangible impact in these final days &mdash; and we need your help to make it happen.</strong><br /><br /><strong><span style="font-size:19px"><a  href=""   title="" >If you've been sitting on the sidelines, your support would have the most impact right now. Chip in $2 or anything you can to help reach our goal in the next 9 days.</a></span></strong><p>
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This campaign was always built for the long haul. We have staff in over 30 states, volunteers knocking doors and organizing their communities in all 50 states, DC, and Puerto Rico, and an army of phone bankers and texters talking to voters everywhere about the issues that matter to them.<br /><br /><strong>With only 2% of the delegate share awarded so far, we're just getting started.</strong> We have a plan to organize and win, but we need the resources to see it through &mdash; and that's why we're relying on you.<br /><br />

Other candidates will probably hold fancy closed-door fundraisers with wealthy donors this week to raise money for the upcoming primaries. Not Elizabeth. We're doing this the right way: no PACs, no big bank executives, no closed door private fundraisers. Just grassroots donors, chipping in what they can.<br /><br />

Your support will send a powerful message to the ultra-wealthy trying to buy off our elections, to the naysayers who have counted us out, and to the corporate Wall Street interests trying to stop Elizabeth.<br /><br /><strong><span style="font-size:19px"><a  href=""   title="" >With your help, we can reach our goal, remain competitive through Super Tuesday, and finish building the groundwork to beat Donald Trump in November. Can you chip in $2 or anything you can right now?</a></span></strong><br /><br />

Thanks for everything you do,<br /><br />

Team Warren<br /><br />

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