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    <span style="font-size: 1px; display: none;">The DNC is making our largest investment in state parties and the grassroots ever.</span>
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        <p style="margin-bottom:8px;">Today I'm proud to make a historic announcement: <strong>The DNC is making <em>our largest investment in state parties and the grassroots ever</em>.</strong>

        <p style="margin-bottom:8px;">We know that <em>any</em> Republican stronghold could be the next Georgia or Arizona -- all it takes to flip a state from red to blue is time, talent, and energy. That's why we've reached an agreement with state parties earlier than ever before to <em>invest a historic $23 million</em> now, ahead of the next cycle, to:

<strong>Catalyze new and innovative organizing work</strong> by investing $15.5 million in the State Partnership Program and $5.5 million in the State Party Innovation Fund. These programs will empower state parties to develop and implement state-tailored strategies -- <em>from hiring voter protection staff to reach out to voters of color to putting more boots on the ground on college campuses</em> -- dedicated to electing Democrats in 2022. 

<strong>Take the fight against Republicans directly to them through the Red State Fund.</strong> This brand-new, $2 million fund will support investments in Republican-led states, applying direct pressure on the GOP while they're fighting themselves and ensuring Democrats are organizing in <em>every</em> community -- not just the historically blue ones.

<strong>Double down on our efforts to train the next generation of diverse party leaders</strong>, so that Democrats have the tools and volunteer capacity to win no matter what state their race is in.

<strong>Keep providing the best data and tech to Democrats, no matter what office they're running for,</strong> through a historic data agreement. This will increase our investment in down-ballot races, solidify four more years of historic investment in Democratic data, and anchor the DNC and state parties as the center of the Democratic data world so we can win more races up and down the ballot.

        <p style="margin-bottom:8px;">Now, we're relying on your commitment to make these investments to fight back on voter suppression year-round; protect the House and Senate, expand our majorities and flip state legislatures; train the next generation of diverse party leaders and more -- because no state is a red state if we invest early enough.

        <p style="margin-bottom:8px;"><strong><span style="font-size:21px;">So, will you donate $25 to the DNC today? Your early investment will help strengthen our party infrastructure and flip seats nationwide in the years ahead.</span></strong>


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        <p style="margin-bottom:8px;">This historic agreement is just the start of our party's plan to build up our majorities and elect Democrats nationwide next year. We're relying on the continued support of this grassroots team to make it possible, so I hope you'll make a gift today.

        <p style="margin-bottom:8px;"><strong><span style="font-size:21px;"><a
  href=""  style="-webkit-text-size-adjust:100%;-ms-text-size-adjust:100%">Chip in $25 to the DNC now. Every penny will go toward building our party's infrastructure, protecting our Democratic majorities, and flipping critical seats in even the reddest states and districts next year and in the years to come.</a></span></strong>
        <p style="margin-bottom:8px;">Thank you for being a part of this,

        <p style="margin-bottom:8px;">Jaime

        <p style="margin-bottom:8px;">Jaime Harrison
Democratic National Committee

        <p style="margin-bottom:8px;">P.S. Do you want to fight voter suppression year-round? Protect the House and Senate, expand our majorities, and flip state legislatures? And train the next generation of diverse party leaders? The DNC is making historic investments in all of that and more right now. <strong><span style="font-size:21px;"><a
  href=""  style="-webkit-text-size-adjust:100%;-ms-text-size-adjust:100%">Donate $25 to the DNC to support that work today.</a></span></strong>




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Folks​, thank you so much for being a supporter of President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Democrats up and down the ballot. 
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