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    <span style="font-size: 1px; display: none;">Yesterday's decision from the Florida Supreme Court likely triggers a near-total ban that will impact the entire Southeast United States -- and it's all because of Donald Trump.</span>
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<p>Team, I'm reaching out following the Florida Supreme Court's decision to allow the state's abortion ban to remain in effect.

<p>Yesterday's decision from the Florida Supreme Court likely triggers a near-total ban that will impact the entire Southeast United States -- and the fault for this situation falls squarely on Donald Trump.

<p>This means women are facing an even more cruel reality where they could choose between putting their lives at risk or traveling hundreds or thousands of miles to get care. Doctors will continue to be threatened with criminal prosecution for doing their jobs, and women may be barred from getting the health care they need in the event of rape or incest.

<p>Donald Trump created this health care crisis, and he has no plans to stop now.

<p>Right now, Trump and his allies are ripping away access to reproductive health care across the country, inserting themselves into the most personal decisions women can make, even including contraception and IVF.

<p>But it's not enough for Trump and MAGA Republicans that more than 1 in 3 women of reproductive age live in a state with a ban, having fewer rights than their mothers and grandmothers did.

<p>If Donald Trump has his way, he'll gut abortion care in every state across the country -- and he and his allies have the plans to do it, <em>with or without Congress or the courts.</em> Trump and his allies just continue to double down on their plans to enact a federal abortion ban.

<p><strong>President Biden and I will do everything in our power to stop him and restore women's reproductive freedom.</strong>

<p>Reproductive freedom is at stake this November, and President Biden and I are the only candidates who will stand up for a woman's right to make her own health care decisions.

<p>We are fighting to protect women's access to medication abortion and emergency care. We are working to protect patient privacy and defend the right of women to travel for abortion care. We are strengthening access to contraception. And we are fighting to restore the protections of <em>Roe</em> into federal law so that women in all 50 states have the freedom to make deeply personal health care decisions.

<p>With your support, the President and I will continue to fight for a future where women -- in Florida, the Southeastern United States, and across the entire country -- will have access to the health care they need. But it is going to take all of us. 

<p>Thank you for being part of this team.

<p>In solidarity,


<p>Kamala Harris<br>

    Vice President of the United States

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