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    <span style="font-size: 1px; display: none;">Just because we hold majorities right now doesn't mean we can take our foot off the gas.</span>
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    <p style="font-size:18px;margin-bottom:8px;">Team --

    <p style="font-size:18px;margin-bottom:8px;">The midterms may seem far away, but let me make it clear: They're right around the corner. Even though we hold majorities right now, that doesn't mean we can take our foot off the gas. <em>We need to act as if we have everything to lose -- <strong>because we do.</strong></em>

    <p style="font-size:18px;margin-bottom:8px;">That's why the DNC launched the Democratic Fight Fund. Our party is making historic investments in state parties, on-the-ground organizing, and voter protection ahead of upcoming elections across the country. But taking on the GOP in all 50 states, the territories, and D.C. is going to require year-round dedication from this grassroots team.

    <p style="font-size:18px;margin-bottom:8px;">According to our records, <strong>you've yet to make a donation to the Democratic Fight Fund.</strong> 12,213 supporters have already stepped up this year to support the fund. There is too much on the line to leave this all up to chance, so with the midterms approaching, I have to ask:

    <p style="font-size:18px;margin-bottom:8px;"><strong><span style="font-size:21px;">Can I count on you to make a $7 donation to the DNC's Democratic Fight Fund today?</span></strong>


  href=""  style="display: block"><img alt="Your Democratic Fight Fund record" style="display: block; margin: 0  auto; height: auto; width: 500px; max-width: 100%;"
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Last updated: 9/15/2020 -->
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                                DONATE: $7

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  href="" >
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                                DONATE: $10

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                                DONATE: $25

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                                DONATE: $50

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                                DONATE: $100

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                                Donate another amount


    <p style="font-size:18px;margin-bottom:8px;">We need to be ready heading into next year's midterms if we want to have any chance at expanding our majorities. That's why we're:

        <p style="font-size:18px;margin-bottom:8px;">

<strong>Strengthening our state parties.</strong> We know that <em>any </em>Republican stronghold could be the next Georgia or Arizona -- all it takes to flip a state from red to blue is time, talent, and energy. That's why we're spending a historic $23 million to empower state parties to develop and implement state-tailored strategies, train the next generation of diverse party leaders, provide the best data and tech to Democrats up and down the ballot, and more.

        <p style="font-size:18px;margin-bottom:8px;">

<strong>Organizing early and building power in every ZIP code.</strong> Here at the DNC, we're firm believers that no state is a red state if we invest early enough. We can't just be a political organization that shows up in the weeks before an election. We need to be a community organization that listens and addresses the needs of Americans all over the country -- so we're making our largest and earliest investment in the states yet to modernize our organizing process and empower local talent.

        <p style="font-size:18px;margin-bottom:8px;">

<strong>Protecting the right to vote nationwide.</strong> Republicans know that their policies are deeply unpopular -- and that the way for them to hold on to power is to attack our most fundamental right to vote. Democrats have a very different playbook: We're proactively defending everyone's right to vote by funding a record $25 million investment in voter education, voter protection, targeted voter registration, and technology to make voting more accessible.

    <p style="font-size:18px;margin-bottom:8px;">A strong, well-supported Democratic Fight Fund is critical to turning our plans into reality. And Democrats like you are key to making that happen.

    <p style="font-size:18px;margin-bottom:8px;"><strong><span style="font-size:21px;"><a
  href="" >Make a $7 donation to the DNC to continue building innovative programs as we look to 2022, 2024, and beyond.</a></span></strong>

    <p style="font-size:18px;margin-bottom:8px;">Thank you,

    <p style="font-size:18px;margin-bottom:8px;">Lauren

    <p style="font-size:18px;margin-bottom:8px;">Lauren Williams
Deputy Chief Mobilization Officer, Grassroots Fundraising
Democratic National Committee



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       If you're ready to elect Democrats in all 50 states, territories, and D.C., <a
  href="" ><strong>make a contribution today</strong></a>.<br>

        Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible. Paid for by the Democratic National Committee, <strong><a
  href="" >www.Democrats.org</a></strong>, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.


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